Experts’ insights and experiences for clinical laboratory investigators: building translational research programs

Clinical laboratorians are in a unique position with both clinical insights and technical expertise to develop laboratory testing contributing to improvement of patient standard-of-care and healthcare outcomes and facilitating translational research. The contribution made by the clinical laboratorians bridges the gap between basic research and clinical application and accelerates the bench-to-bedside development. However, there are challenging needs for funding, space, personnel, and resources to build research programs under increased clinical, teaching, and administrative demands and time constraints. This IFCC live webinar features experts in the field of Laboratory Medicine who will share their experiences in 1) building research programs, 2) establishing leadership in specific scientific and clinical specialties, 3) forming collaborations in academia and industry, 4) publishing scientific and clinical observations in peer-reviewed journals, 5) connecting basic and translational research with what is happening at the bedside, and 6) balancing clinical and administrative demands and make time for research.

The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

Via Carlo Farini 81
20159 Milano
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