Metabolomics: Promises and Clinical Translation Challenges

Comprehensive metabolic profiling, using metabolomics, has become widely accepted as a dynamic and sensitive measure of the phenotype at the molecular level, placing the technology at the forefront of biomarker and mechanistic discoveries related to pathophysiological processes. Small molecule metabolites involved in cellular function, maintenance, differentiation, growth and death are of particular interest for biologists and clinicians as potential biomarkers of pathophysiological processes to facilitate disease diagnosis and prognosis (i.e, prediction of risk and/or disease progression).

This presentation will cover the concepts of metabolomics and the recent advances of analytical methods used to generate metabolomics data.

Different applications of metabolomics will be presented with particular emphasis on lipidomics applications as well as real world implementation of NMR blood testing in clinical routine.

The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

Via Carlo Farini 81
20159 Milano
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